Hmm, since I needed an outlet, i started writing again. This site isnt really meant to be seen by anyone I know. More like a shout out into space to vent out my frustrations and anger, or just a spot to quietly contemplate and rearrange the confusions.
Studies are going along fine, I need to pay more attention to Airlaw, Radio, Instruments, HPL. Am confident in Met Prac, Navigation, Flight Planning, Signals, Met Theory. Instruments and HPL should be doable in a few more days. Must finish off those off by the end of the week. Weekend must go for Radio. Then I'll have a week til Colllege Exams....
Social life....I met a girl that I'm interested in. I'm really trying not to be too anxious/pushy. I was told that sometimes, I come on too strong. Met her at the wrong moment, too busy with exams now to really plan things out. Career comes first right now. Another thing is that my ex has been really friendly with me lately...Sometimes I feel sorry for her because there was a time when I was a real burden to her during my problems and she stuck by... I have to thank her for waiting til i sorted things out, to break it off with me.
Studies are going along fine, I need to pay more attention to Airlaw, Radio, Instruments, HPL. Am confident in Met Prac, Navigation, Flight Planning, Signals, Met Theory. Instruments and HPL should be doable in a few more days. Must finish off those off by the end of the week. Weekend must go for Radio. Then I'll have a week til Colllege Exams....
Social life....I met a girl that I'm interested in. I'm really trying not to be too anxious/pushy. I was told that sometimes, I come on too strong. Met her at the wrong moment, too busy with exams now to really plan things out. Career comes first right now. Another thing is that my ex has been really friendly with me lately...Sometimes I feel sorry for her because there was a time when I was a real burden to her during my problems and she stuck by... I have to thank her for waiting til i sorted things out, to break it off with me.